Reviving Hindi, Enriching Homes

Hindi TImes Media has always found ways of keeping alive here in Canada and US. We have launched products like Weekly Newspaper and our Visheshank (our e-magazine) in the past. Now we are launching the magazine Kutumbh which as the name suggests is a Family Magazine that gives you, your children and your parents a chance to bring a Hindi readable to your doorstep. An opportunity for the Canada born children to learn Hindi; a chance to send their writings, questions and art to publish in our magazine.
For more info or to submit your or your children's articles or art please write to

Our Subscription Packages

First Package

Cad 15

  • One Issue

Second Package

Cad 150

  • 1 year Package
  • 12 Issues

Third Package

Cad 1500

  • 10 year Package
  • Unlimited
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